
Showing posts from August, 2022

August 31

  This is what we did in class today

August 30

 Today we talked about lo sing our minds. A time I felt I was gonna loose my mind was a couple of weeks ago and it was really embarrassing because it was in front of a friend I don’t really know that well. But it was scary and I don’t think I will be the same after knowing what I could become. 

August 29

Seeing the earth from mars made me think about how small we actually are to other people. Even how small a minor inconvenience truly is. I feel we shouldn’t care what others think because it’s one out of 7.9 billion people on earth. Not everyone is the same therefore not everyone is going to like the same things as you.

August 29,2022 Bellringer

 Based on the video, I believe there is a 50/50 probability of life outside of earth. In other galaxies there could be a planet just like earth 🌎. My first reaction when I saw the tiny little dot was that it was so small. Without a label I would have thought it was a spec of bust. The sound of a black hole was a bit expected but was astonishing non the less. This puts my life into perspective because it shows how little we all are compared to how we are perceived by others.

Life is simple

 Today we talked about how we make things more complicated than they were meant to be. This lesson really made me think because there something’s mentioned that I personally find hard or complicated to do/achieve but other say it is simple. I think everything is simple when you make it that way. There are some people that have certain struggles that make simple things hard.

August 24

 I was absent today because I was feeling very sick 🤒 

Love yourself 🥰

 Todays we watched a video called “Recoiled” it was about a girl that was ashamed of her curly/coils hair I can really relate to the video because I was always scared that someone wouldn’t like it. I grew up in cedar grove schools so everyone had coils and darker skin, but there I stood a pale curly haired Mexican girl. Only until now, I have gotten slightly comfortable with my hair to the point where I can wear it loose.

Monday August 22nd

      Todays short film was really hit home for me because it was about a girl who was different from the rest of the students. Her mask was, in a way, a representation of her personality and it made her feel out of place because no one else had the same mask as her. Sometimes I feel like I don’t belong in any clique at school or in society.

Today's Lesson

 for our bell ringer today we watched a short film called " The Elevator.” I believe the moral was “the grass isn’t always greener on the other side,” I felt a connection to the film because sometimes I feel as if people don’t want to be around me. At time it feel as if others dislike me because “I’m to big” or “to pale” or simply “ not pale enough.” I’m always trying to change who I am to please others.

Important to have a purpose

 Today we watch a video about standing up for what you believe is right even if there is cruel punishment. We also learned about the importance of having a purpose. Having a purpose can change the way you see things. For instance, we read a short story about two kid skipping school and going to one of their houses, if our purpose was to rob the house we could see that the child gave various important details to let when to go and where to get in from. He also stated where all his families valuables were. But when we changed our purpose to buying the house we can see that there are various rooms, and a couple of renovations at the house. As well as other perks about the isolated house.

Effort is everything

 Today we watched a Ted talk about putting in effort to become successful. I found the speaker to be very relatable because I always wanted to be the smartest person in the room, mainly because I thought I would be a disappointment If I was anything less. I found my self having panic attacks whenever I would get any thing less than at least a 90 on any assignment. The video made me see that I don’t have to worry about what get as long I put in effort to do better next time. 

What I Learned

 Today I learned about formal and informal language . We talked about  avoiding first and second person pronouns when using formal language. As well as using sophisticated vocabulary. And using everyday words and slang when using informal language.


 Hi, My name is Virginia Arreola. I attend Cedar Grove High School. I am 16 years old, and I am originally from Atlanta Georgia. I like to travel and ride on my side-by-side for fun. This school year I would like to pass all my classes, met new people and travel more.